Secure Software Development Fundamentals Course Series
(CSSLP Mini Prep Course)
In this course series we cover the important aspects of IT and Software security a new software developer should be aware of when development a new software program.
The course series consists of 8 targeted courses that cover the critical aspects of secure software development.
★★★★★4.7 (226 ratings) 1254 students enrolled
Course Overview
In this course series we cover what secure software design means and why software can meet all quality requirements and still be insecure. There are many benefits of designing security early which we cover in this course.
This is a series of courses for learning about "Secure Software Development Fundamentals" which is a Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional (CSSLP) Mini Course
- Course 1 - Secure Software Concepts
- Course 2 - Secure Software Requirements
- Course 3 - Secure Software Design
- Course 4 - Defining Security Architectures
- Course 5 - Secure Software Testing
- Course 6 - Secure Software Acceptance
- Course 7 - Software Deployment, Operations and Maintenance
- Course 8 - Supply Chain and Software Acquisition
Who should take this course (Target Audience)?
- You are a developer or software engineer and want to understand
- You want to learn IT security fundamentals focused on software development
What are the Couse Pre Requirements?
There are no course pre-requirement
What You'll Learn
✔ What are the critical aspects of secure development.
✔ What is the CIA Triad, AAA and other security fundamentals
✔ Identify the correct software build requirements needed for a secure software program
✔ Determine how to specify the proper software architecture to meet your software security requirements
✔ Understand what the commonly accepted best practices are software acceptance
✔ Determine the proper software acquisition and supply chain requirements for your software programs
✔ Get to know the proper software testing procedure for a secure software program.
✔ This course can also be leveraged as aid for prepparing for the CSSLP exam due to a large amount of objectives covered.
- No Requirements
Course content
Course Series Content Overview 112 lectures Length: 06:22