How to Become a Cloud Engineer with no Experience!
Jun 16, 2021
Experience matters and then it does not. Attitude matters. Lets discuss why.
Looking for breaking into a new career is a time consuming feat. This especially true in the world of IT where things seems to change faster than my ex wifes moods.
So whether you work in retail now or another career don’t let this challenge be your barrier entry.
I can attest to this since a I have taught Cloud Bootcamps over the last year and have seen students in the bootcamps that were literally Uber drivers or a stay at home mom become gainfully employed. (Even in this really poor job market). Sure, Ill be honest, a lot of the success of the 8% of the students that were able to land jobs within a few weeks of the bootcamp had a lot to do with who they know, where they were located or their total dedication to keep going when ignored by many employers. Overcoming obstacles is what will land the job a lot of the times.
So how do you get a cloud role with ZIPPO experience? Learn everything you can on your free time.
When I say learn, this means reading, asking questions and doing. Whether you join a cloud bootcamp or not really in my honest opinion as an instructor does not matter. Sure they help and provide you a “Certificate of Completion” but again getting a job is a whole different skillset…
Lets discuss the best things you can do to increase your chances getting into the cloud and being hired
1. Take a Cloud Bootcamp or Take numerous courses in the Cloud.
Cloud Bootcamps are generally over a 3 month to 6 month period.
For example, Quickstart Learning has one that could be considered but be prepared to cough up some serious money. (Disclosure, I developed the program and taught several cohorts but not affiliated with them anymore)
Simpilearn has one that is well recognized and is in collaboration with CalTech is widely reputable but I am not familiar with the cost.
Most “entry-level” cloud computing jobs ask for years of prior experience, making it difficult to break into the field. A Cloud Bootcamp can certainly be a great way to obtain a certificate and provide some hands on experience.
2. Obtain the Right Cloud Computing Certification
One of the first thing I tell students is to work towards getting the AWS Cloud Practitioner Certification which is very attainable for just about anyone who focuses for a few weeks.
Then work your way into another cloud certification and it does not have to be AWS. It could be from Google Cloud, Oracle or even Azure.
What are the top Google Cloud Certifications for 2021!
3. Take Free or Paid courses on numerous platforms.
Plenty of platforms such as Udemy,,, Edx, Skillshare LinkedIn, O’Reilly and many more have both free and paid tiers.
So do not make excuses. Just sign up for some courses, complete these courses and obtain a Certificate of Completion. (Add these to your LinkedIn profile)
Some of the Courses on TechCommanders

On TechCommanders, we provide free Accredible Certificates that can be verified and posted online.
4. Find some available Meetups and Network. (Well, that was like pre Corona:))
This was my favorite of not only learning but also sharing knowledge with others. Meetups Pre Corona were held generally monthly on numerous subjects around Azure, AWS and GCP for example.
These groups are out there still but most have been on hiatus or are now holding online meetups so check your area and see what’s happening.

Meetup on Cloud Computing
5. Be Positive
Perhaps this is so true as with anything else in life. Having a great attitude and being focused on yourself is so critical. Being able to handle rejection and keep going is not for the faint of heart. Letting people know your positive and you believe in yourself really helps other believe in you and trust you much more.
For the many hires as well as interviews I have done I can assure the best results can from a positive and honest assessment of yourself.
Be positive, be honest and be direct. I am no Tony Robbins but I can assure that what you will need in todays cloud job market. Reality is that most of these companies paint a rosy picture about cloud jobs and in reality those days are long over. Be strong and interview.
Coming in May 2020. Cloud InterviewACE.
The best way to pass the Cloud Computing interviews. Period.
Cloud InterviewACE is an online training program & professional community mentored by industry veteran Joseph Holbrook (“The Cloud Tech Guy“), a pre/post sales guru in cloud. Learn to pass the technical and even soft skills interviews from the starting basics to advanced topics covering presales, post sales focused objectives such cloud deployment, cloud architecting, cloud engineering, migrations and more. resume tips, preparation strategy, common mistakes, mock interviews, technical deep-dives, must-know tips, offer negotiation, and more. AWS, GCP and Azure will be covered.

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